There are many ways you can serve at KBC — big or small, online or in person, one-off or for a season. Check out some of the opportunities below, or speak to someone to find out how you can use your God-given gifts for the church to PARTNER with others and help PROCLAIM the gospel.

We are so glad to have refreshments back after the service! We are looking for 1-2 volunteers. This would involve serving coffee and tea, or if you would like to provide snacks to be served like cookies.
If you would be interested in serving at one or more of our services, please email with the date(s) you are available.

We could use another 1-2 leaders for our in-person Kids Ministry on Sunday mornings during part of the service. Leaders could take a turn preparing and teaching the lesson or helping check-in and supervise the children while the other leader teaches.
If you can volunteer some of your time, please contact the Kids Ministry at

We are looking for someone to be on standby for our Nursery program to assist young families during Sunday Services. If you love to snuggle and play with babies then this is the perfect ministry for you.
If you would be interested in serving at one or more of our services, please email with the date(s) you are available.
Volunteers with a heart for music needed for various positions including sound team (training provided), singing, and instrumental (bass, drums) etc. Experience is helpful it's okay if you'd like to learn.
Find out more about Worship Ministry on our website and/or please contact Emma at if you’re interested.

Do you have an interest in audio and visuals?
We could really use with extra helpers for the audio-visual team at KBC for our in-person services and/or online. No experience required and training will be provided.
If you'd like to serve with us in any of these opportunities or have any questions, please email Liz.
...& MORE!
Just because it's not listed here, doesn't mean we couldn't do with your help. Or maybe you have some questions. Either way, reach out to us!