Every sports team dreams about it, the ultimate game changer, the chance to add that one player who has the ability of altering their destiny, and putting their team into a place to contend for the championship.
Two thousand years ago God sent the ultimate game changer into the world, in the person of the Holy Spirit. Given to believers to comfort, guide and empower them, the Holy Spirit became the catalyst for the unstoppable entity called the Church.
The book of Acts, records for us, the explosive work of the Holy Spirit in and through the Church over her first three decades and sets for us an example of how God works through those who seek to be faithful in their calling as his witnesses to the world.

We are excited to reintroduce coffee to our fellowship time after the service! Please plan to stay for coffee and conversations after the service to reconnect with your KBC family.
If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please email Lisa.
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All of our services are available online via Facebook, our website and later uploaded to YouTube.
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